Syclone/Typhoon Halfshaft Removal/Installation
By: Mike H & Corbin R
NAPA Halfshaft Part #CTR9436 Price: $59.99 w/$78 refundable core charge
*Note: I have had no vibration issues with this part
32mm socket
Impact wrench
Ratchet(s) with both metric and SAE sockets
Socket extensions
Floor jack/jack stands
Tape measure
Jack up front of vehicle, support on jack stands.
Remove wheel.
Unbolt caliper, hang to side out of way. Pull off rotor.
Remove cotter pin, castle retaining nut, and 32mm halfshaft retaining
Remove tie rod nut (3/4) and both upper and lower ball joint
nuts (7/8)
Separate both the upper ball joint stud and the tie rod from the spindle.
Note: This can be easily accomplished by smacking the spindle near
both the upper ball joint and the tie rod with a hammer. DO NOT hit
the ball joint stud or tie rod stud directly with a hammer! See pic
Remove wheel speed sensor sensor line from control arm. Note: There
is a nut on bottom of retaining bolt (7/16).
Disconnect wheel speed sensor line. The connector is secured to frame
by a plastic retaining clip. See pic A2 for location.
Remove bolts securing brake line/wheel speed sensor line from frame
Separate lower ball joint from spindle. Again, do not hit ball joint
stud, but rather spindle instead.
Remove wheel hub assembly with wheel speed sensor and backing plate
attached. Halfshaft stud can be tapped with hammer to aid removal.
Release tension from torsion bar. There is a 19mm bolt located on the
trans cross member that must be turned clockwise. Use an impact wrench,
as the bolt must be turned considerably. See pic A3.
Remove the 6 15mm bolts from the halfshaft base. Using various length
extensions, you will be able to remove all 6 without putting the vehicle
in neutral and spinning the shaft.
By applying downward pressure to lower control arm, the old halfshaft
can be removed around the shock. See pic A4. Hint: It is a good idea
to have a rather large (250lb) friend nearby to stand on the control
arm as you remove the halfshaft.
Now is a good time to check the ball joints for wear and replace as
Apply pressure to lower control arm and slide halfshaft
around shock and into place.
Slide the halfshaft stud through the spindle so that the nut can be
installed loosely. The splines on the stud must be aligned with the
splines in the hub. A light coat of grease will aid the re-installation.
Secure lower ball joint to spindle. See pic A5.
Re-install the 6 15mm halfshaft bolts.
Turn the torsion bar adjusting bolt counter-clockwise to draw control
arm close to its original location.
Place floor jack under control arm and raise until upper ball joint
can be re-installed into spindle. NOTE: Make sure brake caliper is
to rear of control arm so that the brake line passes between the control
Tighten halfshaft stud with impact wrench.
Re-install castle retaining nut and cotter pin.
Re-install the wheel speed sensor line/brake line retaining bolts (all
Plug in wheel speed sensor line.
Re-install tie rod.
Re-install rotor and caliper.
Re-install wheel, torque lug nuts to 100ft-lbs.
Lower vehicle to ground.
On opposite side of truck, measure the gap between the tire and wheelwell.
See pic A6.
Measure the gap on the install side of the truck. If the gap needs
increased, turn the torsion bar adjusting bolt counter-clockwise. If
the gap needs decreased, turn the bolt clockwise.